
Export dta from SQL 2005 to Excel...

From Excel:
Open a Excel File (blank) - Use the Data --> Get External Data --> New Database Query and follow the instructions.

Remote desktop timeout...

When connecting from Windows Vista or Windows XP Home to a Windows XP Professional SP3 machine via Remote Desktop, I was constantly bothered by timeout issues. I would get the following error message:

Session has been idle over its time limit.
It will be disconnected in 2 minutes.
Press any key now to continue session.

In addition to the error message, the computer running Windows XP Professional SP3 would periodically beep. However, the solution to this is to change the session timeout on the computer you are Remote Desktop to. Follow the step by step instructions below:

  1. Go to the Start Menu and click Run (or press the shortcut combination Windows+R).
  2. In the prompt, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
  3. In the left panel, navigate the hierarchical menu: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Terminal Services > Sessions
  4. Double click the “Sets a time limit for active but idle Terminal Services sessions” property to open up the properties window.
  5. In the popup window, make sure the Enabled selection is chosen and the Idle Session Limit dropdown list is set to Never.
  6. Click Ok and close all windows and applications
  7. Reset the computer for the changes to take effect.