
How to Change the UAC Notifications in Windows 7

How to Change the UAC Notifications in Windows 7

UAC (User Account Control) is  One of the annoying features of Windows which is popping up and asking permission for about everything.It is to protect windows operating system by preventing unauthorized changes to your system and that require administrator permissions .   It is also  a security feature that will block malicious software from making key system changes without your permission. However UAC in Windows 7 is less annoying and more friendlier now.To change the UAC notification settings navigate to Start > Getting Started > Change UAC settings.
You can adjust the default level ( notify you when programs try to make changes to the computer)  to what your most comfortable with and to completely turn it off slide it down to Never notify.
UAC Change

Click OK to make the change effective.Reboot  your PC.
You can also disable UAC with Registry Editor
1.Startmenu->run .Type regedit & press enter key
2.Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
3.Locate the following REG_DWORD value:EnableLUA
4.Change the value of EnableLUA to 0. 
To  suppress the  UAC permission prompt dialog,
1.Navigate  to the  ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin  REG_DWORD value
2.Change value the default value of "5" to "0 " (optional).
3.Exit  the  Registry Editor and Restart the system


Steps to remove Win32:Rootkit-gen[Rtk] Virus

• The only reason why this virus infects the PC again is that, it has been saved in the System Restore files.

• So turn off the System Restore now (Right click on My Computer-> Properties-> System Restore tab-> click on Turn off System Restore on all drives).

• Reboot the PC to let the restore files to get deleted.

• Now just turn on the system restore.

The virus has been removed!!



iptables -L // Display iptables entries..
iptables -L -v --line-numbers //iptable entries with line number


iptables --flush // delete all the rules from iptables

iptables-save // to save current rules permanently


iptables -A INPUT -m mac mac-source xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -s


Export dta from SQL 2005 to Excel...

From Excel:
Open a Excel File (blank) - Use the Data --> Get External Data --> New Database Query and follow the instructions.

Remote desktop timeout...

When connecting from Windows Vista or Windows XP Home to a Windows XP Professional SP3 machine via Remote Desktop, I was constantly bothered by timeout issues. I would get the following error message:

Session has been idle over its time limit.
It will be disconnected in 2 minutes.
Press any key now to continue session.

In addition to the error message, the computer running Windows XP Professional SP3 would periodically beep. However, the solution to this is to change the session timeout on the computer you are Remote Desktop to. Follow the step by step instructions below:

  1. Go to the Start Menu and click Run (or press the shortcut combination Windows+R).
  2. In the prompt, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
  3. In the left panel, navigate the hierarchical menu: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Terminal Services > Sessions
  4. Double click the “Sets a time limit for active but idle Terminal Services sessions” property to open up the properties window.
  5. In the popup window, make sure the Enabled selection is chosen and the Idle Session Limit dropdown list is set to Never.
  6. Click Ok and close all windows and applications
  7. Reset the computer for the changes to take effect.


Linux Grub Creation

Boot with linux CD
option- linux Rescue

chroot /mnt/sysimage
grub-install /dev/sda

Reboot the system...



Error pages location..


FTP under Squid..

Using CuteFTP..

1. Tools- Global Options -Connection - Proxy server - 
                  [ Proxy server address with type 'HTTP Proxy' ]
                  - Advanced (user/pass/acct)
2. Quick connect- Settings - Options - Proxy
                  [ HTTP Proxy address and port ] 

Now enjoy FTP with SQUID..


Installing Software in GNU/Linux

Compiling and Installing software from source
Some software is distributed in "Source form". This means you download a file containing all the source code for the application you want to install, unpack it, and compile it on your system. Compiling is the process of turning the source code into an executable binary. The common myth and newbie assumption is that this is very hard todo, or it is only for programmers. Wrong. It is a fairly straight forward process, and you will find that a lot of software you install will need to be built from source.

Typically applications you must compile from source will come as a ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2", or ".zip" file.

For organisational purposes, I like to save my source zip file to /usr/local/src/, but this is totally up to you. For the rest of this section we will assume you have downloaded your zip file to /usr/local/src/. If you do not have a /usr/local/src directory, you can create it with the following "mkdir" (make directory) command:

mkdir /usr/local/src/
So, we have our source package in /usr/local/src/.

Change to the /usr/local/src/ directory with the "cd" (change directory) command like so:

cd /usr/local/src/
Use the "ls" (list directory contents) command, to see the file is present:


We now need to unzip the zipped file, this is done differently depending on the file extension.

for files ending in .tar.gz, use:
tar -zxvf 
(replacing with the name of the file).

for files ending in .tar.bz2, use:
for files ending in .zip, use:
You should now have a new directory, containing all of the source files. To confirm it exists, and to get its name, use the "ls" command again.
we now need to go into the new directory, so use the cd command:

This is where things will differ. Some packages will have an INSTALL or README file which will contain installation instructions. use "ls" to see if the software has an install or readme file. If it does have one, you can use the "more" command to read it, like so:
Generally, the final 3 stages are as follows:
- Configure the installation
- Compile the software
- Install the binaries

The pre-installation configuration is done by executing ./configure:
This will perform some requirements testing on your system, and create a "Makefile" which will explain to the "make" utility how the software should be compiled. If you receive any error messages during this stage, you may wish to search the forums to see if they have been found and resolved by someone else already, if not, feel free to post a question on the forums - Please include all of the output including any error messages, and some details about your system - what distro you are using, what are you trying to install etc etc

The next stage is to compile the software, this is done using "make". When you run "make" it will read the instructions in the Makefile and build the application binaries.

The final stage is to install these binaries, ie, copy them to a more perminent location. Typically only the "root" user can do this, so you will need to swich to the root user with the "su" command:
Once you are root, install the binaries using the "make" command, followed by "install", like so:
make install
That is it!. Check the user documentation of the software you installed for details of how to run the application.

SSh connection

ssh  [username@hostname]

ssh -p [port] [username@hostname]

eg:- ssh -p 2222 userssh@server1


How to delete or force delete print jobs?????

  1. Browse to Start -> Run… and type in “NET STOP SPOOLER” – this will stop the print spooler service. (In Vista, you can just type this in the Search box; and when testing, the next two steps were unnecessary; however, try them anyway!)
  2. Browse to your windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS\ folder
  3. You should see files there ending in .SPL and .SHD created around the time you tried to print – delete these files.
  4. Browse to Start -> Run… and type in “NET START SPOOLER” (this will restart the print spooler service)
  5. Double click the printer icon in the lower-right corner of your taskbar to examine your print job queue and browse to View -> Refresh.


How to remove Windows XP Genuine Advantage Notification

If your Windows XP is not licensed and your computer is connected to internet, it is very possible to get the newest Microsoft update in form of WGA Notification – Windows Genuine Advantage Notification or GENUINE warning.

1. First – click Start then Run and type “regedit

2. Go to My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify. In this location delete the folder “WgaLogon” and all content with name WgaLogon. If there is no WgaLogon folder continue with next steps

3. Restart your computer. After restart WGA will not be active and you can remove it completely following the next steps:

4. Set your folders options to show hidden and protected Windows files – go to My Computer/Tools/Folder Options and then choose View. From the View tab choose “Show hidden files and folders” and uncheck “Hide protected operating system files” and click OK

5. Now, Go to folder Windows\System32\dllcache, find and delete “WgaTray.exe”. Also, check for “WgaTray.exe” in Windows\System32\, and if you find it delete it, and search for “Wga*.*” with Start-Search-All files and folders and delete everything that starts with “Wga” (Wgatray.exe; Wgalogon.dll, Wgasetup; etc..)

6. Restart your computer again and live happy and free.


How to uninstall Oracle database software

How to uninstall Oracle database software :

  1. Uninstall all Oracle components using the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).
  2. Run regedit.exe and delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/ORACLE key. This contains registry entire for all Oracle products.
  3. Delete any references to Oracle services left behind in the following part of the registry: HKEY LOCAL MACHINE/ SYSTEM/ CurrentControlsSet/ Services/Ora*. It should be pretty obvious which ones relate to Oracle
  4. Reboot your machine.
  5. Delete the C: \Oracle directory, or whatever directory is your Oracle_Base.
  6. Delete the C:\Program Files \Oracle directory.
  7. Empty the contents of your c:\temp directory.
  8. Empty your recycle bin.

Installing Oracle 10g database software

Installing Oracle 10g database software :

  1. Insert Oracle CD , the autorun window opens automatically. If you are installing from network or hard disk, click setup.exe in the installation folder.
  2. The Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) will run and display the Select Installation Method Window.
  3. Choose Basic Installation:
    Select this option to quickly install Oracle Database 10g. This method requires minimal user input. It installs the software and optionally creates a general-purpose database based on the information you provide.
    For basic installation, you specify the following:
    Oracle Home Location - Enter the directory in which to install the Oracle Database 10g software. You must specify a new Oracle home directory for each new installation of Oracle Database 10g. Use the default value, which is :
    Installation Type - Select Enterprise Edition :
    If you have limited space, select standard edition. Personal edition installs the same software as the Enterprise Edition, but supports only a single-user development and deployment environment.
    Create Starter Database - Check this box to create a database during installation. Oracle recommends that you create a starter database for first Create Starter Database - time installations. Choose a Global Database Name, like cs157b, or just use the default value.
    Type a password. Don't lose this password, since you will need it to connect to the database server.
    Click next
  4. The Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks window appears: Click next
  5. A summary screen appears showing information such as your global settings, space requirements and the new products to be installed. Click Install to start the installation..
  6. The Install window appears showing installation progress.
  7. At the end of the installation phase, the Configuration Assistants window appears. This window lists the configuration assistants that are started automatically.
    If you are creating a database, then the Database Configuration Assistant starts automatically in a separate window.

    At the end of database creation, you are prompted to unlock user accounts to make the accounts accessible. The SYS and SYSTEM accounts are already unlocked. Click OK to bypass password management.

    Note: Oracle 10g still keeps scott / tiger username and password (UID=scott, PWD=tiger) from the old version of oracle. In the old version of oracle, scott/tiger user ID is available by default, but not in oracle 10g. If you want to use scott /tiger account, you must unlock it by clicking "Password Management" at the last window.
    Password Management window will appear like the one shown below. Find the user name "Scott" and uncheck the "Lock Account?" column for the user name.
  8. Your installation and database creation is now complete. The End of Installation window displays several important URLs, one of which is for Enterprise Manager.

  9. You can navigate to this URL in your browser and log in as the SYS user with the associated password, and connect as SYSDBA. You use Enterprise Manager to perform common database administration tasks
    Note : you can access Oracle Enterprise Manager using browser by typing the URL shown above in your browser. Instead of typing the IP address, you can also access the Enterprise Manager by typing http://localhost:1158/em or "http://[yourComputerName]:1158/em" or by clicking "Start >> All Programs >> Oracle - [YourOracleHome_home1] >> Database Control - [yourOracleID]" in Windows menu.
    By default, use user ID "SYSTEM", with the password that you have chosen at the beginning of installation, to connect to database, SQLPlus, etc. If you want to use other user ID, you may create a new user .

SA password in SQL 2000

How to verify if the SA password is blank

On the computer that is hosting the instance of MSDE to which you are connecting, open a command prompt window.
At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

osql -U sa

This connects you to the local, default instance of MSDE by using the sa account. To connect to a named instance installed on your computer type:

osql -U sa -S servername\instancename

You are now at the following prompt:

Press ENTER again. This will pass a NULL (blank) password for sa.

If you are now at the following prompt, after you press ENTER, then you do not have a password for the sa account:


We recommend that you create a non-NULL, strong password to conform with security practices.

However, if you receive the following error message, you have entered an incorrect password. This error message indicates that a password has been created for the saaccount:
"Login Failed for user 'sa'."
The following error message indicates that the computer that is running SQL Server is set to Windows Authentication only:
Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
You cannot verify your sa password while in Windows Authentication mode. However, you can create a sa password so that your sa account is secure in case your authentication mode is changed to Mixed Mode in the future.

If you receive the following error message, SQL Server may not be running or you may have provided an incorrect name for the named instance of SQL Server that is installed:
[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

How to change your SA password

On the computer that is hosting the instance of MSDE to which you are connecting, open the command prompt window.
Type the following command, and then press ENTER:

osql -U sa

At the Password: prompt, press ENTER if your password is blank or type the current password. This connects you to the local, default instance of MSDE by using the saaccount. To connect by using Windows authentication, type this command: use osql -E

Note If you are using SQL Server 2005 Express, avoid using the Osql utility, and plan to modify applications that currently use the Osql feature. Use the Sqlcmd utility instead.

Type the following commands, on separate lines, and then press ENTER:

sp_password @old = null, @new = 'complexpwd', @loginame ='sa' go

Note Make sure that you replace "complexpwd" with the new strong password. A strong password includes alpha-numeric and special characters, and a combination of upper and lower case characters.

You will receive the following informational message, which indicates that your password was changed successfully:


Photoshop error -- Could not initialize Photoshop because file is locked

It is a corrupt Adobe Pref’s …
to fix delete your Adobe PS CSx profile from your PC

C:\Documents and Settings\”username”\Application Data\Adobe folder and all it’s contents.


Linux Commands........

Check the Memory Satus
free -m

Disk Usage
df - h

Remove your cached user credentials in Wireless Authentication

To remove your cached user credentials that are used for PEAP authentication,
remove the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Eapol\UserEapInfo registry key.
To do this, follow that steps:

Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
Locate, and then click the bellowing registry key: UserEapInfo
Then Delete it.

Error "Cannot find...registry settings" during startup (PageMaker 6.5-7.x on Windows)


When you try to start Adobe PageMaker, Windows returns the error "Cannot run PageMaker. Cannot find PageMaker's registry settings."


You are logged in as a user who lacks permission to access the PageMaker or Adobe registry key.


Do one of the following:

Note: These solutions require you to log in as a user with administrator rights. If you don't have administrator rights, contact your system administrator for assistance.


Solution 1: Grant Power User rights to the user you were logged in as when the error occurred. (Windows XP and 2000 only)

If you use Windows XP or 2000, log in as a user with administrator rights, and then grant Power User rights to the user you were logged in as when the error occurred.

To grant Power User rights:

1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel, and then double-click Users and Passwords.

2. Double-click the name of the user you were logged in as when the error occurred, and then click the Group Membership tab.

3. Select Standard User, and then click OK to close the [user profile] Properties dialog box.

4. Click OK.

5. Restart the computer and PageMaker.


Solution 2: Provide all users with permission to access the PageMaker registry key. (Windows NT 4.0 only)

If you use Windows NT 4.0, log in as a user with administrator rights, and then provide all users with permission to access the PageMaker registry key.

Disclaimer: This procedure involves editing the registry. Adobe doesn't provide support for editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. Make sure to back up the registry before modifying it. For more information about the registry, refer to Windows Help.

To provide all users with permission to access the PageMaker registry key:

1. Choose Start > Run, type Regedt32 in the Open text box, and then click OK.

2. Make a backup copy of the registry:

a. Choose Registry > Export Registry File.

b. In the Export Registry File dialog box, specify a location and name for the backup copy, and then click Save.

3. Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine.

4. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on Local Machine window, select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Adobe\Pagemaker65 registry key.

5. Choose Security > Permissions.

6. In the Registry Key Permissions dialog box, select Everyone. (If there is no Everyone icon, create one: Click Add, select Everyone in the Add Users and Groups dialog box, and then click OK.)

7. Choose Full Control from the Type of Access menu.

8. Select Replace Permissions on Existing Subkeys, and then click OK.

9. Click Yes when the Registry Editor asks whether you want to replace the permissions on all existing sub keys within the PageMaker65 key.

10. Choose Registry > Exit, and then restart the computer.


Solution 3: Grant read and write access to the Adobe registry key to the user you were logged in as when the error occurred.

Log in as a user with administrator rights, and then grant read and write access to the Adobe registry key to the user you were logged in as when the error occurred.

Disclaimer: This procedure involves editing the registry. Adobe doesn't provide support for editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. Make sure to back up the registry before modifying it. For more information about the registry, refer to Windows Help.

To grant read and write access to the Adobe registry key:

1. Choose Start > Run.

2. Type regedit in the Open text box, and then click OK.

3. Make a backup copy of the registry:

a. Choose File > Export (Windows XP) or Registry > Export Registry File (Windows 2000 and NT).

b. In the Export Registry File dialog box, specify a location and name for the backup copy, and then click Save.

4. Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe folder and select it.

5. Choose Edit > Permissions (Windows XP) or Security > Permissions (Windows 2000 and NT).

6. In the Group or User Names section, select the group or user to whom you want to give read and write access.

7. In the Full Control line in the Permissions for Administrators section, select Allow.

8. Click Apply, and then click OK.

9. Choose File > Exit (Windows XP) or Registry > Exit (Windows 2000 and NT) to close the Registry Editor.

10. Restart the computer, and then start PageMaker.

How to Show hidden files in a drive???

attrib /D /S -s -h -r *.*


Domain Users Cannot Join Workstation or Server to a Domain

Method 1: Pre-Create the User's Computer Account

  1. From the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, right-click the container where the account resides.
  2. Click New, and then click Computer.
  3. In the Computer name box, type the name of the Windows 2000-based computer that you want to add to the domain.

    Make sure the computer's name is also entered in the
    Computer name (pre-Windows 2000) box (this should occur automatically).
  4. Click Change. Select the user or group that will be joining this computer to the domain, and then click OK.
  5. If you want Windows NT 4.0 and previous operating systems to use this computer name object, click to select the Allow pre-Windows 2000 computers to use this account check box, and then click OK.

Method 2: Grant the "Create Computer Objects" and "Delete Computer Objects" Access Control Entries (ACEs) to the User

  1. From the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, click Advanced Features on the View menu so that the Security tab is exposed when you click Properties.
  2. Right-click the Computers container, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Security tab, click Advanced.
  4. On the Permissions tab, click Authenticated Users, and then click View/Edit.

    : If the Authenticated Users group is not listed, click Add and add it to the list of permission entries.
  5. Make sure the This object and all child objects option is displayed in the Apply onto box.
  6. From the Permissions box, click to select the Allow check box next to the Create Computer Objects and Delete Computer Objects ACEs, and then click OK

Method 3: Override the Default Limit of the Number of Computers an Authenticated User Can Join to a Domain

You can override the default limit, using either of the following methods:
  • Use the Ldp (Ldp.exe) tool included in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit.
  • Use an Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) script to increase or decrease the value of the Active Directory ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota attribute. To do this:
    1. Install the Windows 2000 Support tools if they have not already been installed. To install these tools, run Setup.exe from the Support\Tools folder on the Windows 2000 Server or the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM.
    2. Run Adsiedit.msc as an administrator of the domain.
    3. Expand the Domain NC node. This node contains an object that begins with "DC=" and reflects the correct domain name. Right-click this object, and then click Properties.
    4. In the Select which properties to view box, click Both.
    5. In the Select a property to view box, click ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota.
    6. In the Edit Attribute box, type a number. This number represents the number of workstations that you want users to be able to maintain concurrently.
    7. Click Set, and then click OK.


Access Windows share in Mac OS

1. Share the folder in Windows ( IP-

2. In Mac, open browser and type

3. Enter the username and password.

4. Select the share


User Profile Service Failed to Logon. User profile cannot be loaded” in Windows Vista

t may happen that you cannot login to your system as the User Profile Service failed to logon. It may happen if the user profile was deleted by a user manually or by a program. As the security identifier (SID) is not deleted from the system when a user profile is deleted manually by some user, Vista tries to load the profile using ProfileImagePath that contains the location of the user profile which is not in existent now. It may also happen that the user profile folder has been renamed accidentally or deliberately.

Note: You may try System Restore feature using Perform System Restore in Windows Vista to fix this problem.

You can fix the problem by following these steps:

1) Log on to your system using separate Administrator account. You can opt for Method 1 or Method 2

Note: If you have only one Administrator account that has been corrupted then go to step 2

2) Boot to Safe Mode. You can opt for Method 1 or Method 2 now.

Method 1: Editing Registry Keys

1) Open Registry Editor

2) Navigate to the key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList in the left pane

Figure 1

3) Now click on the SID key S-1-5-21-… (longer value) having .bak extension

To make sure that this is the problematic profile check out for ProfileImagePathoption in the right pane

You may have an SID key with the same name without .bak extension

4) If you have two SID keys S-1-5-21-…. with the same values follow these steps:

a) Right click on the key that does not have .bak extension and choose Rename option

Figure 2

b) Add .bk to it at the last

Figure 3

c) Now right click on the SID key S-1-5-21-…. with .bak extension and choose Rename

d) Remove .bak extension

e) In the similar fashion change the key with .bk extension (as done in steps a and b) to .bak extension

Figure 4

f) Proceed to step 6

5) If you have one SID key S-1-5-21-…. with .bak extension follow these steps:

a) Right click on the SID key S-1-5-21-…. with .bak extension and choose Rename option

Figure 5

b) Remove .bak extension from it

6) Now click on the SID key S-1-5-21-…. without .bak extension. Double click the option RefCount in the right pane

Figure 6

7) Type 0 in the Value data textbox. Press OK button

Figure 7

8) Now click on the SID key S-1-5-21-…. without .bak extension. Double click the option State in the right pane as highlighted in the Figure 6

9) Type 0 in the Value data textbox. Press OK button

Figure 8

10) Close Registry Editor and restart your PC to see if the problem has been rectified

Method 2: Deleting User Account

Note: You may loose your data.

1) Delete the User Account having problem

2) Open Registry Editor

3) Navigate to the key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList in the left pane

4) Now click on the SID key S-1-5-21-…. which may have .bak extension

To make sure that this is the problematic profile check out for ProfileImagePathoption in the right pane

5) Right click on the SID key and choose Export option

Figure 9

6) Type a name for it and save to a desired location

Figure 10

7) Right click on the SID key and choose Delete option

Figure 11

8) Click Yes button to confirm

9) Close Registry Editor

10) Create a new Administrator account

11) Restart your PC and log on to the new account