
Delete Stored network credential

To clear saved network credential in windows server..

Check credential manager,

control keymgr.dll

net use \\fileservername /del


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How to transfer contacts from Blackberry to Android???

Option 1:

Turn on Bluetooth on your Android 

Pull down the Notification menu 
Make sure bluetooth is selected at the top 
Alternatively go to Settings > Bluetooth > On 

Pair the phones 

On the Blackberry go to Options > Networks and Connections > Bluetooth connections 
Bluetooth > On 
Under "Paired Devices", click "Add a new drvice" 
Click "Search" - you should see your Android (the model number) 
Select your Android and click Submit 
If you have a password you'll be prompted to enter it 
The two phones should be paired. 

Transfer the contacts 

On the Blackberry, under "Paired devices" select the Android 
Press the Blackberry button and select "Transfer Contacts" 
You should get a prompt on the Android - press okay 
Contacts will be transferred

Option 2:

Moving from BlackBerry to Android is an easy process, too. 

1. Open Google Sync on your BlackBerry. 
2. Choose “Sync Now” to make sure the most current contact information is added to your Google account. 
3. Open the “Accounts & Sync” app on your Android phone from the gear icon. 
4. Touch “Google.” Touch to add a checkmark to “Sync Contacts.” 
5. Touch “Sync Now” to sync. 
6. Open your contacts app. Touch the arrow next to “Phonebook” to open the drop down menu. Make sure “Google” is checked. You will now see all your synced contacts