
Change default tab page settings in firefox

1. Open firefox
2. Type about:config in address bar
3. Change the value browser.newtab.url;


RJ45 Connections...

Pin Number Designations

There are pin number designations for each color in T-568B and T-568A.

                 T-568B                         T-568A
       --------------------------      ------------------------
Pin    Color             Pin Name      Color           Pin Name
---    -------------     --------      -------------   --------
 1     Orange Stripe     Tx+           Green Stripe    Rx+
 2     Orange            Tx-           Green           Rx-
 3     Green Stripe      Rx+           Orange Stripe   Tx+
 4     Blue              Not Used      Blue            Not Used
 5     Blue Stripe       Not Used      Blue Stripe     Not Used
 6     Green             Rx-           Orange          Tx-
 7     Brown Stripe      Not Used      Brown Stripe    Not Used
 8     Brown             Not Used      Brown           Not Used 

RJ45 Color-Coded Scheme

RJ45 cables have 8 color-coded wires, and the plugs have 8 pins and conductors. Eight wires are used as 4 pairs, each representing positive and negative polarity. The most commonly used wiring standard for 100baseT is T-586B stanrard described above. Prior to EIA 568A and 568B standards, the color-coded scheme was used to wire RJ45 cables. The table below depicts pin and color schemes used in traditional and standardized setup. 

Pin Colored Scheme T-568B (Common) T-568A

1 Blue Orange Stripe Green Stripe

2 Orange Orange Green

3 Black Green Stripe Orange Stripe

4 Red Blue Blue

5 Green Blue Stripe Blue Stripe

6 Yellow Green Orange

7 Brown Brown Stripe Brown Stripe

8 White (or Grey) Brown Brown


Netsetter\USB Modem:APN Settings For all Networks

Airtel APN Settings

airtelProfile Name:Airtel
Access Number:*99#

Idea APN Settings

Profile Name:Idea
Access Number:*99#

BSNL APN Settings

2013-05-16_190544Profile Name:BSNL
Access Number:*99#

Vodafone APN Settings
vodafoneProfile Name:Vodafone
Access Number:*99#

Aircel APN Settings

Profile Name:Aircel
Access Number:*99***1#

Tata Docomo APN Settings

docomoProfile Name:Docomo
Access Number:*99#

Reliance APN Settings
Profile Name:Reliance
Access Number:*99#

Uninor APN Settings

Profile Name:Uninor
Access Number:*99#


2X ThinClientServer Firewall Port Settings

Below, please find 2X ThinClientServer firewall settings for various ports:
 From:                                To:                                  Port:                            Description:
Thin Client                 2X TerminalServer            TCP 22                    Remote Session
Thin Client                 Citrix Server                    TCP 1494                 Remote Session
Thin Client                 Citrix Server                    TCP 443                   Remote Session HTTPS
Thin Client                 MS Terminal Server         TCP 3389                 Remote Session
Thin Client                 2X ApplicationServer        TCP 3389                 Remote Session
Thin Client                 2X ApplicationServer        TCP 80                     Remote Session
Thin Client                 DNS Server                     UDP 53                    Name Resolution
Thin Client                 DHCP Server                   UDP 67                    TCP/IP Settings Retrieval
Thin Client                 DHCP Helper                   UDP 67                    TCP/IP Settings Retrieval
Thin Client                 NTP Server                      UDP 123                  Time Synchronization
Thin Client                 TFTP Server                     UDP 69                    Operating System Retrieval
Thin Client                 DHCP Helper                    UDP 4011                TCP/IP Settings Retrieval
Thin Client                 2X ThinClientServer            TCP 943                  Thin Client Settings
Web Browser             2X ThinClientServer            TCP 980                  Management Console (HTTP)
2X TCS Slave             2X TCS Master                  TCP 943                  Replication Queries
2X TCS Master           2X TCS Slave                    TCP 943                  Replication Queries
2X TCS Master           Domain Controller              TCP 389                  LDAP Queries
2X TCS Slave             Domain Controller              TCP 389                  LDAP Queries
2X ThinClientServer     Thin Client                        UDP 161                  SNMP Client Status Information
2X ThinClientServer     Thin Client                        UDP 68                    TCP/IP Settings Delivery
2X ThinClientServer     downloads.2x.com            TCP 80                     Automatic Update Checking
Admin PC                  Thin Client                        TCP 5800                 Shadow Session Control
Admin PC                  Thin Client                        TCP 5900                 Shadow Settings Control


Delete Stored network credential

To clear saved network credential in windows server..

Check credential manager,

control keymgr.dll

net use \\fileservername /del


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Network Speedtest

View your IP

Online Ping, Traceroute etc..

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How to transfer contacts from Blackberry to Android???

Option 1:

Turn on Bluetooth on your Android 

Pull down the Notification menu 
Make sure bluetooth is selected at the top 
Alternatively go to Settings > Bluetooth > On 

Pair the phones 

On the Blackberry go to Options > Networks and Connections > Bluetooth connections 
Bluetooth > On 
Under "Paired Devices", click "Add a new drvice" 
Click "Search" - you should see your Android (the model number) 
Select your Android and click Submit 
If you have a password you'll be prompted to enter it 
The two phones should be paired. 

Transfer the contacts 

On the Blackberry, under "Paired devices" select the Android 
Press the Blackberry button and select "Transfer Contacts" 
You should get a prompt on the Android - press okay 
Contacts will be transferred

Option 2:

Moving from BlackBerry to Android is an easy process, too. 

1. Open Google Sync on your BlackBerry. 
2. Choose “Sync Now” to make sure the most current contact information is added to your Google account. 
3. Open the “Accounts & Sync” app on your Android phone from the gear icon. 
4. Touch “Google.” Touch to add a checkmark to “Sync Contacts.” 
5. Touch “Sync Now” to sync. 
6. Open your contacts app. Touch the arrow next to “Phonebook” to open the drop down menu. Make sure “Google” is checked. You will now see all your synced contacts


Remove authenticated system from google's 2 step verification...

You can remove computers from your set of trusted computers at any time. To do so, 

1. sign in to your account and go to your 2-step verification settings page.

2. Under the “Advanced” section, you’ll have the choice to remove the computer you’re using at the time or all other computers.

3. If you choose to remove other computers from your trusted list, those computers will automatically sign out of your account, and you’ll be prompted for a verification code next time you try to sign in from them.


If you lost password of Kasapersky Antivirus....

In order to restore the password:
1. Reboot the PC in safe mode.
2. Go to application installation folder (C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\<application_name>).
3. Rename the file avp.exe (into temp.exe, for example).
4. Reboot the PC in normal mode.
5. Run the renamed file (temp.exe).
6. Click Settings in the main application window.
7. Select Options in the left frame and remove Password Protection.


Fix error 633- dialup connection in windows 7 / 8

1. Open control panel
2. Go to Phone and Modem.
3. Select Modem tab.
4. Remove the installed modems.
5. Click Add button to add new modem.
6. After finishing restart the system and check. 

Most probably this method works....

Fix error 633- dialup connection in windows 7 / 8

1. Open control panel
2. Goto Phone and Modem.
3. Select Modem tab.
4. Remove the installed modems.
5. Click Add button to add new modem.
6. After finishing restart the system and check. 

Most probably this method works....


SSH network connection....

tistadmin@Clicker-server:~$ ssh root@
Last login: Mon Sep  2 09:15:06 2013 from
Have a lot of fun...
tistsrv04:~ #


LAN properties in XP..

To work around this problem, reregister the Netshell.dll file. To do so, follow these steps:
1.Click Start, and then click Run. 
2.In the Open box, type regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\netshell.dll, and then click OK.
3.In the RegSvr32 dialog box, click OK.
Test to see if you can open the properties of the network connection in the Network Connections folder.

If the issue is resolved, you do not have to follow the remaining steps in this article. If the issue persists, and you receive the error message that is mentioned in the “Symptoms” section of this article, follow these steps: 
1.Click Start, and then click Run. 
2.In the Open box, type regsvr32 %systemroot%\system32\ole32.dll, and then click OK.
3.In the RegSvr32 dialog box, click OK.
4.Restart the computer.

How to remove/uninstall/unload Trend Micro OfficeScan Password

1. Open “Ofcscan.ini” from the install path. Mostly in “C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client”
2. Find  INI_CLIENT_SECTION and look up Unload_Pwd.
3. Uninstall_Pwd=!CRYPT! This value is decrypted, which is md5 hash
4. Change it to pass­word of your choice:
5. Choose your own pass­word. 
       For exam­ple “12345”. Find MD5 hash of it. There are many online sites. I used: http://md5generator.net/

                  MD5 of “12345” is 827ccb0eea8a706c4c34a16891f84e7b

6. Copy md5 string of the pass­word of your choice.

7. Replace the Uninstall_Pwd and Unload_Pwd key with the fol­low­ing pat­tern:

                      Unload_Pwd=!CRYPT!111 (Make sure to add 111 after CRYPT!)

For exam­ple:


8. Save Ofcscan.ini.

Use 12345 as your pass­word to unin­stall the Trend Micro OfficeScan


WPA wireless authentication in Windows 8.1

0) Go to command line, preferably Administrator.

1) C:\Windows\System32> cd \Users\<User>\Documents

2) C:\Users\<User>\Documents> netsh

3) netsh> wlan

4) netsh wlan> show profiles

5) delete profile name='TIST'

Dont close window

6) Right click the connection icon in lower right corner > open Network and Sharing Center > Set up a new connection or network > Manually connect to a wireless network

7) Try to create a profile, and try to get as many details to correspond with your requirement. The rest we'll edit in command line, so let's make it as easy as possible.

8) Do the same at the next screen. Edit Network settings > change all the parameters that you can, to match the requirement. My university tech support has a detailed document listing the options to choose, usually for windows 7, or even windows 8. get as many of them as possible.

9) Finish. Move back to your netsh terminal

10) netsh wlan> show profile TIST

netsh wlan> set profileparameter name=TIST authentication=wpa 

netsh wlan> set profileparameter name=TIST encryption=TKIP

netsh wlan> set profileparameter name=TIST authMode=PEAP